The Inaugural Issue Of Journal of Arctic Studies Was Published

2019/12/23 432 Times

Recently, the inaugural issue of Journal of Arctic Studies, sponsored by our ASC at LCU, was published by the Social Science Literature Press. This is the first academic journal focusing on Arctic humanities and social science in China.
      The volume includes five sections: Environmental History and Archaeology, Siberian Studies, Studies of Chinese Near-Arctic Peoples, Tourism and Regional Development, and Academic Events. Academic articles are authored by Paul Holm of Trinity College, University of Dublin, Natalia Fedorova, a Russian Archaeologist, Tang Ge of Heilongjiang University, Liu Xiaochun of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, He Qun of Inner Mongolian Normal University, and other Chinese scholars.


〔爱尔兰〕保尔·霍尔姆 / 3
亚马尔北极和亚北极地区考古研究 〔俄〕Н.В.费奥多洛娃 / 34

默克收集的雅库特资料及其历史词典学意义 〔德〕迈克尔·克努佩尔 / 47
博戈拉兹的楚克奇人调查研究  张松 / 52
乌尔奇人的熊崇拜和熊节 〔苏〕亚历山大·米哈伊洛维奇·佐洛塔廖夫 / 74

中国通古斯诸族和韩民族萨满教的历史境遇比较研究  苏杭 / 89
历史上鄂伦春族与外界经济、社会交往中的政治关系色彩  何群 / 105
中国近北极民族北方通古斯人及其文化变迁  唐戈 / 122
边缘社区与多面认同:敖鲁古雅鄂温克族乡族群及文化认同研究  马惠娟 / 128
改革开放40年达斡尔语语言资源的积累与利用  金洁 / 141

加拿大北极地区可再生资源开发与利用研究  潘敏 李浩涵 / 153
Experiencing the Arctic:European and Chinese tourists in Greenland
Daniela Tommasini,Zhou Shenghan / 170
——以鄂伦春自治旗为例  刘晓春 / 186

美国斯密森学会北冰洋研究中心走过的风雨30年:1988~2018年  〔美〕威廉·费茨休 / 197

聊城大学北冰洋研究中心(ASC) / 202
征稿启事 / 204

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