Dr. Su Hang visited the Korea Polar Research Institute

2021/2/4 638 Times

On February 3, 2021, Dr. Su Hang was invited to visit the Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI) in Songdo, Incheon, South Korea.

The Korea Polar Research Institute is a national-level research organization undertaking scientific research missions in South Korea’s Arctic and Antarctic regions. It currently has polar research infrastructure - two Antarctic year-round stations, one Arctic station and the IBRV Araon - strive to make world-class progress in Arctic and Antarctic sciences.

During the visit to the Polar Research Institute, Dr. Su Hang had a meeting with Mr. Seonung Choi (최선웅), Head of the International Cooperation Office (국제협력실장) and Mr. Jihoon Jeong(정지훈), Senior Administrative Associate, along with Mr. Yeongjun Choi (최영준), Head of the Policy Research and Development Office (정책개발실장), who responds to the humanities and social science-based approaches to the Polar Regions at KOPRI.

During the meeting, Korean colleagues expressed their willingness to actively cooperate with our ASC at LCU on the academic activities, academic exchanges, and sharing of academic resources.

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