Dr. Su Hang visited Korean-Siberia Center at Pai Chai University(Arctic Society)

2021/2/17 906 Times

On February 17, 2021, Dr. Su Hang was invited to visit the Korean-Siberia Center at Pai Chai University(KORSIB) in Daejeon, Korea.
      As the headquarter of Korean Arctic Society,KORSIB was established in 2005. Its research fields include politics, economy, culture, ecological environment in Siberia, as well as Russia's policy, strategy, security, and national defense. KORSIB publishes“The Journal of Arctic”& "Korean journal of Siberian studies" and holds twice academic conferences each year in the name of Korean Arctic society.
      During the visit to KORSIB, Dr. Su Hang had a meeting with Prof. Dr. Joung Hun Kim(김정훈), the Director of KORSIB, Prof. Dr. Byung Hwan Yah(예병환), and Prof. Dr. Ja Young Kim(김자영).
      During the meeting, Korean colleagues expressed their willingness to actively cooperate with our ASC at LCU and discussed the MOU with Dr. Su Hang.

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