2022/3/15 497 Hits


1. 北冰洋译从: 【美】约翰•霍菲克尔 著,崔艳嫣,周玉芳,曲枫 译,北极史前史,社会科学文献出版社。
Translation Series of the Arctic:  John F. Hoffecker, Cui Yanyan, Zhou Yufang,Qu Feng,A Prehistory of the North, Social Science Literature Press.
2. 曲枫 著 , 青铜与文字的婚礼——夏商周的神话、艺术与思想,黑龙江人民出版社。
Qu Feng: Wedding of Bronze and Text: The Myths, Art and Thoughts of Xia Shang Zhou, Heilongjiang People's Press.


1.曲 枫:平等、互惠与共享:人与动物关系的灵性本体论审视,广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)2020年第3期。
Qu Feng: Equality, Reciprocity, and Sharing: an Ontological Perspective of the Human-Animal Relation JOURNAL OF GUANGXI UNIVERSITY FOR NATIONALITIES (Philosophy and Social Edition)No,03,2020.
2.迈克尔 克努佩尔:雅库特人起源研究概述,广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)2020年第3期。
KNUPPEL Michael: An Overview of the Origin of Yakuts,JOURNAL OF GUANGXI UNIVERSITY FOR NATIONALITIES (Philosophy and Social Edition)No.03,2020
3.丹妮拉 托马希尼:气候和经济变化对因纽特人传统狩猎的影响,广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)2020年第3期。
TOMMASINI Daniela: Impact of Climate and Economic Changes on Inuit’s Traditional Hunting, JOURNAL OF GUANGXI UNIVERSITY FOR NATIONALITIES (Philosophy and Social Edition) No,03,2020.
3.丹妮拉 托马希尼:气候和经济变化对因纽特人传统狩猎的影响,广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)2020年第3期。
TOMMASINI Daniela: Impact of Climate and Economic Changes on Inuit’s Traditional Hunting, JOURNAL OF GUANGXI UNIVERSITY FOR NATIONALITIES (Philosophy and Social Edition) No,03,2020.
4.保罗 蒙哥马利:维京时代冰岛从陆地到海洋的经济转型研究,广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)2020年第3期。
MONTGOMERY Paul: A Study on Land-Sea Economic Transformation of Iceland in the Viking Era, JOURNAL OF GUANGXI UNIVERSITY FOR NATIONALITIES (Philosophy and Social Edition) No,03,2020.
5.邢海燕/问,曲 枫/答:从艺术、信仰到本体论:人类学的“在世存在”, 广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)2020年第3期。
6.曲 枫:关于建立中国近北极民族研究框架的思考,《渤海大学学报》,2020年第2期。
Qu Feng: Thoughts on Establishing Research Framework of Chinese Near-Arctic Peoples, JOURNAL OF BOHAI UNIVERDITY, No,02,2020.
7.曲 枫:萨满教与边疆:边疆文化属性的再认识,《云南社会科学》,2020年第5期。
Qu Feng: Shamanism and the Frontier: A Reunderstanding of the Cultural Attributes of the Frontier
8.PAKHOMOV OLEG: “East Asia as Regional Civilization"(rus). Oikomene, 2020. №2 (53) pp. 44 – 53.
9.PAKHOMOV OLEG: “Hou sulian shidai eluosi dui yuandong ji xibolia xiaoshuminzu de zhengce”. [Ethnic Policies Siberia and Far East in the Post-Soviet Russia], Yuanshengtai minzu wenhua xuekan, 2019,v.11;No.43 (03) pp. 55-63
10.Michael Knüppel: Der Chaladsch-Dichter Mosayyeb Arabgol (24.7.1931-24.10.2002). In: Tur¬cica 51. 2020, pp. 387-395.
11.Michael Knüppel: Kommunistische Interpretationen der mazdakitischen
Bewegung bei P. Lut¬tinger. In: JOAS 29. 2020, pp. 479-484.
12.Michael Knüppel: Jenissejistisches bei D. G. Messerschmidt. In: JOAS 29. 2020, pp. 492-495.
13.Qu Feng:Revelatory Style Art: The Human-plant Engagement Revealed by the Jiangjunya Petroglyph, China. In Anthropomorphic Images in Rock Art Paintings and Rock Carvings, edited by Terence Meaden and Herman Bender, pp. 120-132. Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing Ltd. 2020.
14. Qu Feng:Review on “Anne Birrell: Shamanism in Early China.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 83 (1): 172-174 (A&HCI).
15.Qu Feng:Body Metamorphosis and Corporal Rebuilding: An Exploration of Relational Ontologies in Bering Strait Prehistory, Arctic Anthropology, 2020. Vol. 57 (2): 131-148 (peer-review article, SSCI)
Qi Shan-de:Being towards death: An Anthropological Survey of the“Voluntary Death”of the Chukch, Journal of Original Ecological National Culture, 2020.

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